Why Do Female Bosses Get More Negative Reviews by Women
You lot would await someone like Shannon, who asked that I use only her first proper noun, to thrive in an aristocracy law firm. When she graduated in the mid-2000s from the University of Pennsylvania Law Schoolhouse – having helped edit the constitutional-constabulary journal and interned for a commune-court judge – she had her selection of job offers. She knew that by going to a big business firm she was signing on for punishing hours, but she had vi-effigy student loans to pay off and hoped her outgoing personality would win over bosses and potential mentors.
Information technology didn't quite piece of work out that mode.
Side effect of success
The firm'due south pace was as frenzied as she'd feared. Partners would assign projects late in the day, she said, sometimes forcing assembly to piece of work through the night only to announce in the morning that the consignment wasn't needed after all. When Shannon wanted to leave at the early hour of 7pm, she would sneak out of her part, creep past the elevators, and have the stairs downward to evade her bosses. She took up smoking to deal with the stress.
Early on, Shannon noticed a striking dynamic. Though her law-school class had been roughly split between the genders, the firm had very few female partners. This wasn't unusual: at the time, just 17 per cent of all police partners in the country were women, and they've simply notched up a few percentage points since then. And, at least at her firm, no 1 seemed to like the handful of female partners. "They were known as dyspeptic, bossy, didn't want to hear excuses," Shannon told me.
Queen bees are made, not born. Tough and bitchy women bosses are oft a product of workplace discrimination, such equally sexism and lack of support for childcare. Marco Del Grande
She one time spotted a female person partner screaming at the employees at a taxi stand because the cars weren't coming fast enough. Another would praise Shannon to her confront, so dispatch a senior associate to tell her she was working likewise slowly. Ane fourth dimension, Shannon emailed a female partner – i of the passive-aggressive diversity – saying, "Attached is a revised list of issues and documents we need from the customer. Let me know of anything I may have left off."
"Here's some other example" of you lot non being confident, the partner responded, according to Shannon. "The 'I may accept left off' language is not as much being solicitous of my ideas every bit it is suggesting a lack of conviction in the completeness of your list."
Shannon admits that she can exist a trivial sensitive, but she wasn't the only one who noticed. "Almost every girl cried at some bespeak," she says. Some of the male partners could be curt, she said, only others were nice. Virtually all of the female partners, on the other hand, were very tough.
Still, the senior women's behaviour made sense to her. They were slavishly devoted to their jobs, regularly working until 9 or 10 at nighttime. Making partner meant either not having children or hiring both day- and night-time nannies to care for them. "There's hostility amongst the women who have made it," she said. "Information technology'southward like, 'I gave this up. Yous're going to accept to requite information technology up besides.' "
Many women limited a preference for a male person boss, although this general bias isn't reflected when they charge per unit their actual bosses. Marco Del Grande
Guilty confessions
Subsequently 16 months, Shannon decided she'd had enough. She left for a firm with gentler hours, and later took fourth dimension off to be with her young children. She at present says that if she were to render to a large firm, she'd be wary of working for a woman. A woman would judge her for stepping back from the workforce, she thinks.
Her screed confronting the female partners surprised me, since people don't commonly track against historically marginalised groups on the record. When I asked other women whether they'd had similar experiences, some were appalled past the question. Only and then they would say things like "Well, there was this once …" and tales of female person sabotage would spill forth. As I went about my dozens of interviews, I began to feel similar a priest to whom women were confessing their sins against feminism.
Their stories formed a pattern of wanton meanness. Serena Palumbo, another lawyer, told me about the time she went home to Italy to renew her visa and returned to detect that a female co-worker had told their dominate "that my performance had been lacklustre and that I was not focused."
Katrin Park, a communications director, told me that a female person one-time manager reacted to a minor infraction by screaming, "How can I work when y'all're so incompetent?!" A friend of mine, whom I'll call Catherine, had a boss whose tone grew witheringly harsh just a few months into her job at a nonprofit. "This is a perfect example of how you lot run forward thoughtlessly, with no regard to anything I am saying," the adult female said in ane email, earlier exploding at Catherine in all caps. Many women told me that men had undermined them besides, but it somehow felt different – worse – when it happened at the easily of a woman, a supposed ally.
Honorary blokes: women who accept fabricated information technology to the elevation by out-toughing the men are often keen to stress they are not similar other women. "If the only style to get alee is to run like hell abroad from other women, some women are going to do that." says Professor Joan Williams.
Even a woman who had given my own career a boost joined the chorus. Susannah Breslin, a writer based in Florida, yanked me out of obscurity years ago by promoting my work on her blog. So I was a chip stunned when, for this story, she told me that she divides her past female managers into "Dragon Ladies" and "Softies Who Nice Their Way Upwards". She'd rather work for men because, she says, they're more than forthright. "With women, I'k partly being judged on my abilities and partly being judged on whether or not I'm 'a friend' or 'overnice' or 'fun'," she told me. "That'due south some playground BS."
Other women I interviewed, meanwhile, admitted that they had been tempted to snatch the Aeron chair out from under a female colleague. At a women's networking happy hour, I met Abigail, a immature fiscal controller at a consulting company who once caught herself resenting a co-worker for taking six weeks of maternity leave. "I consider myself very pro-adult female and feminist," Abigail said. Nevertheless, she confessed, "if I wasn't so mindful of my reaction, I could have been like, 'Perhaps we should try to find a way to fire her'."
Women adopt male bosses
Of course, these are merely anecdotes. I as well heard positive stories about female co-workers, including from prominent women in fields such as foreign policy and journalism who described how other women had mentored them or acted equally unofficial back up groups. (I've been fortunate to have both of those experiences myself.) What's more, research suggests that women actually brand better managers than men, past certain measures.
Nevertheless, fairly or non, many women seem to share Shannon's fear that members of their gender tend to cut one another downwards. Big surveys by Pew and Gallup as well equally several bookish studies show that when women have a preference every bit to the gender of their bosses and colleagues, that preference is largely for men. A 2009 written report published in the periodical Gender in Direction found, for example, that although women believe other women make good managers, "the female workers did not really want to work for them".
Many studies have shown that people – men and women alike – can't tolerate so much every bit a hint of toughness coming from a woman, even when she's in charge. Marco Del Grande
The longer a woman had been in the workforce, the less probable she was to want a female boss.
In 2011, Kim Elsesser, a lecturer at UCLA, analysed responses from more than sixty,000 people and found that women – even those who were managers themselves – were more likely to want a male boss than a female one. The participants explained that female person bosses are "emotional", "catty" or "dyspeptic". (Men preferred male bosses besides, merely by a smaller margin than the female participants did.)
In a smaller survey of 142 law-firm secretaries – nearly all of whom were women – not i said she or he preferred working for a female person partner, and simply 3 per cent indicated that they liked reporting to a female acquaintance. (About half had no preference.) "I avoid working for women because [they are] such a pain in the ass!" one woman said. In yet another study, women who reported to a female boss had more than symptoms of distress, such as trouble sleeping and headaches, than those who worked for a homo.
As short as the boys
Some people discover these studies literally incredible. (When the ABA Journal published an article about the legal-secretary survey, angry readers demanded a retraction. The journal wrote a follow-upward piece almost the controversy and issued a mild amends for the hurt feelings.) And indeed, information technology is hard to believe that women would hold a fierce bias confronting members of their ain gender. Perhaps in office because it's such a thorny topic, this phenomenon tends to be either dismissed (zip to see hither) or written off as inevitable (women are inherently catty). Only in fact, psychologists have been attempting to explain it for decades – and the sum of their findings suggests that women aren't the villains of this story.
I wasn't looking for bitchy behaviour when I walked into an upscale restaurant on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, one night final autumn, merely it found me. I was there for a small get-together of female executives. Several of the women grimaced when I introduced myself every bit a journalist, so when I approached a cluster of them, I opened by maxim that they didn't have to exist interviewed if they didn't desire to be.
At that, a centre-aged blonde in a leopard-print jacket looked at me and said, "When y'all become to your shrink, practice y'all say, 'Nobody likes me! Nobody wants to talk to me'?"
I blinked in disbelief, then asked her whether she had ever gotten pushback for her advice way.
The adult female, Susan, said her brusqueness is really an advantage at the financial-services firm where she works as an adviser, a very Mad Men-esque environment, as she described it. "I take a different fashion of communicating that's more than like a guy," she said. "I played a lot of sports, and I expect us to knock around a flake and still exist friends at the end of the game. Guys like me."
Double standard: women can't intermission into important jobs unless they advocate for themselves and command respect. But they're also reviled unless they human activity like chipper and self-deprecating team players. Marco Del Grande
The fratty environment doesn't seem that bang-up for other women in her office, though. Most of the financial advisers at her firm are men, but virtually of the assistants are women – a state of affairs Susan called "a hotbed of badness". "In that location'southward a finite amount of space that these women get," she said. "They're in their trivial prison and they're all eating each other upward."
Evolutionary bitchiness theory
Equally it turns out, researchers have competing theories equally to why this happens – why women sometimes find themselves trapped and sniping at one another.
Joyce Benenson, a psychologist at Emmanuel Higher, in Boston, thinks women are evolutionarily predestined not to interact with women they are non related to. Her research suggests that women and girls are less willing than men and boys to co-operate with lower-status individuals of the same gender; more likely to dissolve aforementioned-gender friendships; and more willing to socially exclude i another. She points to a similar pattern in apes. Male chimpanzees groom one another more females do, and frequently work together to hunt or patrol borders. Female person chimps are much less likely to course coalitions, and have fifty-fifty been spotted forcing themselves betwixt a female rival and her mate in the throes of copulation.
Benenson believes that women undermine i another because they have ever had to compete for mates and for resources for their offspring. Helping another woman might requite that woman an edge in the hot-Neanderthal dating market, or might requite her children an reward over your own, so you frostily snub her. Women "tin gather around smiling and laughing, exchanging polite, intimate and even warm conversation, while simultaneously destroying one some other's careers," Benenson told me. "The contrast is jarring."
Possibly not surprisingly, Benenson'south theory is controversial – and so much and so that she says she feels sidelined and "very isolated" in academia.
If Benenson is right, women would have to struggle mightily to repair their poisonous dynamic, since information technology is biologically ingrained. Only many other researchers recollect women aren't hard-wired to deport this way. Instead, they contend, bitchiness is a by-production of the modernistic workplace.
Fewer and meaner
In the late 1980s, Robin Ely, then a graduate student in the Yale School of Management, gear up about trying to understand why women's office interactions sometimes turn toxic. "My most difficult relationship at piece of work had been with a woman," Ely told me, "but women had too given me the most amazing support." She didn't purchase either of the prevailing stereotypes about women – that they are nurturing globe mothers or manipulative traitors. Instead, her hypothesis was but that "women, like all man beings, respond to the situation they're in".
To examination this idea, Ely cracked open a law-house directory and picked some male-dominated firms, where no more than 5 per cent of partners were female person, and some other firms where women were slightly amend represented in the summit ranks. Then she asked the female lawyers at both types of firms how they felt near their female colleagues.
Women are oft more relaxed and supportive of other women in companies that have a more even gender distribution in management positions. Marco Del Grande
No affair where they were, the lawyers endured a gruelling piece of work environment. But in the overwhelmingly male person firms, competition between women was "astute, troubling and personal", Ely said. Compared with the women in firms where they were better represented, women in the male-dominated settings idea less of one another and offered weak support, if whatsoever. Female person partners in those firms were "nigh universally reviled", Ely said. 1 young lawyer described her dominate as "a manipulative bowwow who has no legal talent".
Maybe the nigh enduring takeaway was this: women in the male-dominated firms believed that simply then many of them would make it into the senior ranks, and that they were vying with 1 some other for those spots. Ely, who is now a business professor at Harvard, had hit upon a dynamic known equally tokenism. When in that location appear to be few opportunities for women, research shows, women begin to view their gender every bit an impediment; they avoid joining forces, and sometimes turn on one another.
Remember of the "absurd daughter" who casually notes, "All my friends are guys" – as though it just naturally happened that manner. Or the overachiever who saves her harshest feedback for her female colleagues. Women like Susan, the financial adviser I met in Washington, "become forth with men meliorate", as she put it, because it pays to get forth with whoever's at the acme.
What produces queen bees?
About the same time Ely conducted her tokenism study, a Dutch psychologist named Naomi Ellemers was trying to understand the near-total absence of senior women in academia. Women then fabricated upward just iv per cent of all full professors in the Netherlands. Ellemers thought possibly biased men were keeping women from advancing.
Ellemers put together a list of all the female professors in the country and mailed them (as well equally a sample of male professors) a survey about their relationships with their colleagues. Her findings suggested that women were actually part of the problem. The female professors described themselves as simply every bit "aggressive" and "dominant" every bit the men did; they felt unsupported by their female person colleagues, and didn't want to work with other women.
Later this study, and later ones with similar findings, were published, Ellemers was disheartened to read news articles trumpeting them as proof that women are nasty by nature. She thought about giving up on this line of research, but a student of hers, Belle Derks, persuaded her to keep probing.
Forth with some of their other colleagues, Ellemers and Derks conducted a small-scale study in 2011 for which they asked 63 Dutch policewomen – who are far outnumbered by their male colleagues – to recall a time they had experienced sexism at piece of work. That reminder prompted many of the officers to emphasise the ways they're not similar other women and to downplay the prevalence of sexism. In other words, thinking about how bad it is to be a woman made sure officers not desire to exist seen every bit women.
With that, Ellemers and Derks believed they had pinpointed the conditions in which queen bees – women who have risen high and who take downward other women – sally: when women are a marginalised group in the workplace, have fabricated large sacrifices for their career, or are already predisposed to show niggling "gender identification" – esprit with other women. (Recollect of former Yahoo chief Marissa Mayer'due south quote almost some other of her erstwhile jobs: "I'm non really a woman at Google; I'm a geek at Google.") Women like this, Ellemers says, "learned the difficult way that the way to succeed in the workplace is to brand certain that people realise they are non similar other women. It's not something about these women. It is the way they have learned to survive in the system."
It'southward worth noting that some of Ellemers and Derks' findings are not very robust. But other researchers accept since published work that echoes theirs. Michelle Duguid, a Cornell University direction professor, found that token women in "high prestige" settings were more reluctant to recruit female candidates to join their team than were women who worked in less prestigious settings or had more than female person colleagues.
Ain-gender competitive threat
Equally Joan C. Williams, a distinguished professor at the UC Hastings College of the Constabulary, put it to me: "Women are people. If the only way to get ahead is to run similar hell away from other women, some women are going to do that." And inquiry suggests that this kind of distancing occurs in minority groups as well, which means these dynamics may be doubly hard on women of colour, since they face both gender and racial bias.
Fifty-fifty levelheaded, feminist women tin showroom elements of queen-bee behaviour at times, and they don't take to be in senior positions. The biggest event I heard near is what's known every bit "competitive threat", which is when a woman fears that a female newcomer will outshine her. She might try to undermine her rival pre-emptively – as happened to ane adult female I interviewed, whose work friend spread rumours that she was promiscuous and unqualified. Or she might slam her rival with demeaning comments, as has happened to seven in 10 respondents to a 2016 survey of women working in the tech industry. "I had two female colleagues who suggested I try to look 'less pretty' to exist taken more seriously," a respondent wrote. "One suggested a chest reduction."
Virtually 15 years ago, Margarita Rozenfeld, who is at present a leadership motorbus in Washington, DC, establish herself reporting to a queen bee. Rozenfeld's boss was just in her early 30s, but her clothes and demeanour fabricated her seem much older. She had loftier expectations for anybody on the team, including Rozenfeld, and she would grumble when her subordinates didn't showroom the same relentless ambition she had.
One day on her fashion to piece of work, Rozenfeld tripped on the parking-garage steps and twisted her ankle. Information technology swelled as the twenty-four hour period wore on, and she worried that it would get even worse. She wasn't especially busy, so she knocked on her boss'south door and asked whether she could leave early on to see a physician. Her boss asked Rozenfeld to come in and close the door.
"You know, I had high hopes for you," Rozenfeld remembers her proverb. Her boss questioned why "you feel similar you tin leave" when "things like this happen".
"But I experience like I'm not going to be able to walk," Rozenfeld said.
"I volition tell you something virtually my career and how I got to be where I am today," her dominate continued. "Practice you know how many times I worked with men who basically sexually harassed me? Did y'all know that man over there missed his child'south loftier-school graduation because he was working on a proposal? And y'all have a sprained ankle and you retrieve it's OK to get out?"
As tears welled in her optics, Rozenfeld realised that she was never going to be the kind of worker her boss wanted. Six months later on, she quit.
Strong woman'due south grab-22
Complicating all of this is that, well, bitchiness is in the eye of the beholder, and the term queen bee sometimes gets flung at women who are only trying to do their chore. You could telephone call it managing while female: many studies accept shown that people – men and women alike – tin can't tolerate and then much as a hint of toughness coming from a woman, even when she's in charge.
The about notorious double standard is that women can't intermission into important jobs unless they advocate for themselves and command respect. Merely they're also reviled unless they deed like chipper and self-deprecating team players, forever passing the credit along to others. Laurie Rudman, a social psychologist at Rutgers University, said the "poster woman" for this predicament is Hillary Clinton, who, co-ordinate to surveys, was more than popular when in office than when she was vying for part. Writing in The Boston World terminal summer, onetime Vermont governor Madeleine May Kunin noted the dramatically lower behaviour bar set for Donald Trump than for Clinton: " 'Boys will exist boys' but girls must be goddesses."
Rudman first witnessed this tendency when she was a grad student at the University of Minnesota, where she sat on a hiring committee for an open up professor position. The female candidates touted their records by saying things such as "I'm so fortunate I establish so-and-so for my mentor," Rudman told me. Ane male candidate, meanwhile, waltzed in, folded his arms, and declared, "I'g going to change the face of psychology within the next five years". The committee picked the homo.
"It's very difficult for women to inquire for power," Rudman said. "If you stick your neck out and say 'I'd like to exist considered for this promotion', somebody'southward revving upwards a chainsaw in the background."
The 'black sheep issue'
Afterward Rudman earned her doctorate, she began researching why women can't get away with behaving the way men do. Her work helps explicate why male bosses can be frank, while female managers are stuck serving up compliment sandwiches to soften their criticism.
In i of her experiments, women who doled out honest feedback were liked less and considered less hireable than similarly candid men. Other academics take argued that workers just don't respect female person bosses every bit much as male ones – which prompts the bosses to treat the workers worse, which causes the workers to retrieve less of their bosses, and then forth.
Rudman constitute that some women'due south disparagement of other women can exist explained by what'southward called "system justification", a psychological concept in which long-oppressed groups, struggling to make sense of an unfair earth, internalise negative stereotypes. Women simply don't accept the same condition in American life that men do. So when people think, Who do I want to work with?, they subconsciously leap to the default, the historically revered – the human.
Indeed, Kim Elsesser, the UCLA lecturer whose study unearthed a preference for male bosses, pointed out another interesting wrinkle in that study: participants were biased against women simply when they were asked well-nigh the gender they preferred to work for in general. "When participants were asked about their current bosses, the bias disappeared," Elsesser said.
In one serial of studies, Rudman asked participants to pick teammates for a round of computerised Jeopardy. They could cull amongst insecure and confident men and women. A cash prize was offered, and then it behoved the participants to option someone competent.
Rudman says that in full general, inquiry shows men are more biased against women at work than women themselves are. But in this case at to the lowest degree, the male participants didn't hesitate to pick the confident woman over the insecure ane, and had no preference between the confident homo and the confident woman. Not a single female participant, on the other manus, chose the confident woman over the confident man. "I could not believe it!," Rudman exclaimed, letting out a long "Wooooow".
She saw this as a sign of what psychologists phone call the black-sheep effect, in which people are harder on rule-breaking members of their own group than they are on the deviants of other tribes.
As Rudman told me this, I played a mental highlight reel of the diverse times in my life when a homo had completely dropped the brawl on a team projection, and I'd excused him equally either a nutty professor or a devilish rogue who couldn't exist bothered with tedious details. He was the mischievous Peter Pan to my businesslike Wendy: I'll handle information technology myself, yous scamp! If a adult female behaved this style, though, I'd be more likely to draft a dozen never-sent emails asking her what her problem was.
Bullying breeds bullies
Some writers and researchers argue that true queen bees are extremely rare, and that the concept has been co-opted by misogynists to prove how atrocious women supposedly are. Even Carol Tavris, i of the social psychologists credited with coining the term queen bee, has been quoted rejecting the concept. "I hate it," she told the Today show in 2013.
When I called her at her home in Los Angeles, Tavris said that her theory had since been misinterpreted, carved into a cudgel for bashing women. If women are their ain worst enemies, after all, why should people push for women'due south workplace advancement? She regrets that giving "a catchy proper noun" to a circuitous pattern of behaviour helped launch queen-bee-ism equally "a affair" – one that has endured despite all the gains working women take made since the 1970s.
Still, queen bees are clearly a real thing, and ignoring the problem won't make it go away. Maybe by understanding its causes, we can finally showtime to accost them.
The key point to remember, according to Naomi Ellemers and other researchers, is that queen-bee behaviour arises nether certain circumstances – like when a adult female believes that the path to success is and then narrow, she tin can barely squeeze through herself, allow lone try to bring others forth with her.
When I'd initially emailed Tavris for an interview, she had written back, "Your request makes me sad." But as I described the experiences of the women I had interviewed, she acknowledged that in some contexts, women do sometimes bang-up ane another – but as members of other discriminated-confronting groups would.
Towards the cease of our conversation, Tavris complimented Ellemers' inquiry. How we deport at work depends on "how safe we feel at work", she said. "Does our work give us a take chances to thrive? Or are we feeling thwarted at every step?"
Sexism survival strategy
I one time worked with a queen bee – a woman a couple of decades my senior. (She outranked me only wasn't my supervisor.) Soon afterward I started, she and I were alone in our shared workspace. It was a busy day, but I needed to inquire her a question about an internal procedure. I waited until late afternoon, so asked.
She glared at me and turned bright carmine. Then she screamed at me like I had never been screamed at before by someone I'm non related to. (Later, when I complained near her, my boss said, by manner of explanation, that the part was a family-like environment.)
That was probably our worst encounter, but information technology wasn't the only bad one.
The truth is though, I likewise sometimes feel like the day is just also exhausting, that I cannot perchance handle one more thing with grace. I like to think I haven't taken information technology out on my colleagues. Merely my queen bee had a rougher become of it than I did, climbing her way upwards before Lean In, before '90s-style sensitivity training. She probably experienced the kind of sexism where your male equals call you "sweetie" or tell yous, up front end, that you don't belong. I had to ask myself: How many years of treatment like that would it take for me to get mean similar her? X years? Xx? Or would it require just the right opportunity – similar an unusually bad day, when no one else is around?
Curious to know what career gurus have to say about dealing with queen bees, I took a spin through some of the top-selling "getting ahead" books aimed at women. What I constitute was eye-opening, just not in the way I'd hoped.
For example, the 2014 "revised and updated" version of Overnice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office, which was originally published in 2004, notes that women "often wind upwards making mountains out of molehills, much to the consternation of their male colleagues". The authors of the 2006 book The Girl'southward Guide to Being a Boss (Without Beingness a Bowwow) offering a long tale of woe from a woman with a dyspeptic boss, so write only that if you (the boss) experience that you are a bowwow, you should take an anger-management course. Problem solved.
In Play Like a Human, Win Similar a Woman, former CNN vice-president Gail Evans recommends fugitive workplace tension by not having any contact with colleagues exterior the role. If an emotion somehow surfaces during work hours, a truthful executive-track gal stuffs it back down. "If you tin't help but become angry with a female person co-worker," Evans writes, "for the sake of the residue of united states of america, continue it to yourself."
Head above the parapet
Fifty-fifty when workplace bullying becomes astringent, employment lawyers told me, women are less probable to sue for gender discrimination if their tormentor is another adult female, since people tend to assume that women look out for 1 another. (One lawyer said that this is why companies often appoint members of "protected classes", such as minorities and women, to man-resources roles. Having someone from one of these groups handle a firing can make it harder to sue for wrongful termination.)
Nurses might have a ameliorate solution. Their profession is rife with female bullying, but a group of nurses has floated an thought in which hospitals would have financial incentives to eliminate staff infighting. According to this plan, levels of bullying would exist measured, publicly reported and factored into the payments hospitals get from the federal government for providing quality care.
Ameliorate support for working mums could help, too. I adult female I spoke with, for case, was technically immune to work from abode when her kids were sick, just her older female manager would brand her feel bad about it every time, thus negating the betoken of the policy.
Employers could besides make more of an effort to testify talented women that they're valued, since women who experience optimistic about their career prospects are less likely to tear one some other down. "We need to change our society then that it becomes normative for women to come across other women succeeding in all kinds of roles," Laurie Rudman says.
"Have you felt resistance to your success?" Rudman asked me.
Occasionally, I said, thinking of a handful of times people had wondered, a footling too pointedly, how I'd scored one career win or some other.
And what, she asked, did I do about it?
"I said I simply got lucky," I replied, "or came up with some excuses."
"YAAAAA!" she cried. "See? Encounter? So do you think women should rethink that strategy? Should maybe women start being stronger in our confidence?"
I admitted that it was a good idea, simply that "something is keeping me from interim in a more confident fashion, even though that would be good for women in general".
"Information technology would be expert for women as a whole," Rudman said. "Only private women take to be shot down kickoff. And yous don't want to be one of those. And I don't blame you."
Someone has to be the start, though – to comport confidently, to adventure knee-jerk bitterness from our colleagues equally a result, and to not hold it confronting them. But it would exist easier if we could practise it equally a hive.
@2017 The Atlantic Monthly Group Inc. All rights reserved. This is an edited version of an commodity that first appeared in The Atlantic.
Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Source: https://www.afr.com/work-and-careers/management/the-real-reasons-women-are-chased-by-their-reputation-as-bully-bosses-20170905-gybjt8
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